

This is a place where all are welcome to relive shows & experience unheard magic that only Pinegrove can conjure.

We’ve got full sets — & lots of partial ones — ranging from pinenut recorded to soundboard quality, radio & internet sessions, some one-off live recordings, a collection of covers & a bunch more. Enjoy!

Got a question, a complaint, comment, concern, etc. ? Maybe a show to send??

Contact us: pinegrovearchive@gmail.com



Hey y’all

Welcome to the new home of the Pinegrove Archive! Please feel free to explore every nook & cranny. You’ll certainly be rewarded with some hidden gems for doing so.

As you set off I’m sure you’ll notice that some ‘albums’ have little descriptions & others do not. If there’s a session/show/what have you that you’re passionate about & it lacks a description, shoot me an email.

Anyways, I’m gonna use this space here to keep everyone up to date, e.g., when new sets get uploaded. Also, if there’s some live stuff that the Archive is missing please do not hesitate to share!

